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Is your business one of the 25 million that aren’ t backing up data correctly?

Yes, you read that right. 25 million businesses aren’t backing up their data properly – or at all.

And a failed backup could mean the end for your business. 60% of businesses that have lost data have shut down within six months.

The scariest part is just how easy it is to lose your data in the first place. It could take seconds.

One of your team clicks a bad link in an email…
Someone leaves a laptop somewhere…
Or you accidentally hit delete on a vital document and can’t find it in the bin…

It really is that simple.

Take a moment to consider what losing any of your data could mean for your business.

Let’s face it, with all the extra precautions we’re all having to take at the moment, it’s very possible that some things may slip our mind.

Like checking your backup is working. Or that you’ve got all your devices with you at all times.

So… you simply can’t afford a failed backup.

Fortunately, my team can help you to keep your data backed up and protected. So it’s there whenever you need it.

The insurance policy you don’t want to use, but helps you sleep well at night.

And to check that everything is running as it should be, we’re now offering a backup verification to local businesses.

Before we run the verification, we’ll need to have a quick video call (no more than 15 minutes) to discuss your current backup procedure and to answer any questions you may have.

There’s no obligation to go ahead with the verification after our chat. And certainly no obligation to buy anything. Ever.

We just want you to understand the risk attached to poor backup practice, and to help our fellow local businesses thrive. Visit https://meetings.hubspot.com/darrell11 to book your video call.

You can see my live calendar there and choose the time and date that suits you best.

The post Is your business one of the 25 million that aren’ t backing up data correctly? appeared first on | Cyber Tech 360 | Alberta.

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