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How To Safely Use ChatGPT In Your Clinic

Reduce Documentation Time

10 useful ChatGPT prompts to improve hearing clinic documentation accuracy and reduce time writing reports.

** Important, these examples must be modified to your specific needs and REFRAIN from including any PII.


First thing you will need is a ChatGPT account.
If you do not already have an account, click here or give me a call for help. 

1. Improve your writing by asking for GPT feedback.

At the GPT prompt:

[write or paste your content] and add in brackets "Proofread my writing. Repair spelling and grammar mistakes. Suggest improvements of my writing"



2. Use 80/20 principle to learn a new topic.

At the GPT prompt:

"I am researching [insert topic]. Tell me the most important 20% of the topic that will assist me to understand 80%."



3. Learn a new skill.

At the GPT prompt:

"I want to learn about [insert skill]. My current skill level beginner. Create a short learning plan for me to learn this skill."



4. Summarize this book.

At the GPT prompt:

"Summarize this book [insert book name] by author [insert author] and provide me a list of the important insights."



5. Obtain feedback from history events.

At the GPT prompt:

"If you were [famous person name e.g. Steve Jobs]. Interpret my thesis below and provide feedback as if you were [insert person again]"

[insert your thesis]



6. Improve a skill.

At the GPT prompt:

"ChatGPT, your role is a problem solver. Create a guide to solve [insert the skill]."



7. Create new ideas to overcome writers block:

At the GPT prompt:

"I am writing an article about [insert the topic]. Create an outline for this topic with 10 bullet points. Give me 5 options for a headline."

 * You can adapt this prompt for whatever you're writing.



8. Summarize complex topics and accelerate your learning:

At the GPT prompt:

"ChatGPT, summarize the text below into 1000 words. Create short paragraphs for important points."

[insert text]



9. Create short stories and metaphors to aid memory.

At the GPT prompt:

"I am learning about [insert topic name]. Convert the lessons into memorable short stories and metaphors."



10. Strengthen your memory by testing yourself.

At the GPT prompt:

"I am learning about [insert topic]. Ask me a random questions to will test my knowledge. Identify wrong answers and suggest better answers."


Stay tuned as I research how to use ChatGPT for the purpose of audiometric interpretation overlaid with patient health medication, climate change, and other audiology research

Warm Regards,
Darrell Christensen
C: 1-780-221-8719
W: cybertech360.ca
E: darrell@cybertech360.ca
B: 1-833-362-9237

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