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5 Tips for Performing a Cyber Security Assessment

When it comes to safeguarding your company’s important data, implementing a reliable cyber security plan is a must. Doing so can help prepare your network for emergencies and ensure that your clients’ personal information is never compromised.

Performing a comprehensive cyber security assessment isn’t always easy, which is why the team of professionals from CyberTech 360 has collected a few tips for you below.

  1. Identify Threat Events

Threat events are the actual attacks that can happen to your security network and organization. Some of these issues include unauthorized logins, data leaks or data loss, service disruptions, or misuse of information by unauthorized users. When going over each type of threat event, be sure to weigh how critical each one is to your organization.

  1. Assess & Qualify Threat Sources

Cyber security threats can come in all shapes and sizes. When performing a thorough cyber security assessment, one of the very first things to do is identify and assess each threat source. Some of these threats will likely include individuals, organizations and groups, and even in some cases nation-states. Organize each threat source based on how much risk they post to your company.

  1. Identify Vulnerabilities

Clearly identifying vulnerabilities and the conditions needed to exploit them is a key component to keeping your company safe from cyber security threats. This is where you move from the hypothetical stage to reality. Now is that time to test your current network security measures against these threats against and determine how easily they’ll be able to succeed.

  1. Identify Potential Impact of Breaches

When performing a cyber security assessment, determining the risk is only one aspect of it: it’s also important to determine what impact such issues will have upon your firm. After assessing the different threats and vulnerabilities, take those things to the next level and determine how much your firm will suffer from say, a customer data leak or total system shut down for a day.

  1. Take Proactive Steps After Your Assessment

Are you wondering what to do once you’ve undergone a comprehensive cyber security assessment? Well, the next step is to start implementing some security procedures to help protect you from such threats. Consider investing in managed IT security services or network monitoring to help protect your important data and prevent security breaches.

Let CyberTech 360 be your go-to network security firm!

If you’re worried that your company’s network is vulnerable, contact CyberTech 360 online today for a free cyber security assessment or call (403) 789-8933.

The post 5 Tips for Performing a Cyber Security Assessment appeared first on | Cyber Tech 360 | Alberta.

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